You’re blocked! FCC issues declaratory ruling to resolve call-blocking uncertainty

Hello compliance world! My name is Mahlet, and I recently joined NAFCU’s regulatory affairs team. I come bearing robocall news.

On June 6, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will consider a Declaratory Ruling and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (TFNPR) that would allow voice service providers (providers), such as Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint, as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers, to automatically block suspected robocalls unless consumers opt out. NAFCU will attend the FCC’s June 6 Open Commission meeting where this item will be considered and plans on submitting a comment letter if the proposal is finalized. Currently, it is unclear if this proposal would be harmful to credit unions but it could lead to providers inadvertently blocking some legitimate communications, including those from credit unions. NAFCU is interested in hearing from you whether providers are currently or have in the past mistakenly blocked your credit union’s communications.

Note: The Declaratory Ruling becomes effective immediately, with no opportunity for comment, if it passes the FCC vote on June 6. However, the TFNPR is only a draft proposed rulemaking. If the FCC votes to approve the TFNPR, it will publish with a 30-day comment period.


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