You’re 1 in 3!

Congratulations to credit unions nationwide…you’re a statistic! In this case, a good statistic: 1 in 3 Americans are members of a credit union. CUNA explains in their press release.

What makes this important? More members is always a good thing, enabling new services and opportunities throughout the industry. Yet, when you look deeper at the numbers, there appears some interesting questions.

Credit unions have garnered 100 million members. In every measure, that’s a lot of people. People with goals, wants, challenges, and more. Members who are well-established in their financial strategies, others who are just getting started. Single college students and retired couples.

Let’s get a better feel for how crazy big a number like 100 million really is. If I handed you a $100 bill every 10 minutes, of every day, whether you were awake or asleep, it would take nearly 20 years to reach $100 million dollars. Or, how about this: If I asked you to count to 100 million out loud, taking only one second to say each number, you would take over three years, and that’s without eating, drinking, or sleeping for a single moment.

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