Your Members Don’t Care About Price

Loyalty is built on customer experience, not cost

Customer loyalty is a critical success factor for any business. And these days banks and credit unions face a huge question: Does it make more sense to invest in customer experience or in dropping your prices to improve customer loyalty? According to a new report from Forrester Research, bank customer experience is a more powerful loyalty driver than pricing.

The Forrester Report tested the relationship between banking customers’ perceptions of their experience, their perceptions of price-value, and their loyalty. The results shows how customer experience trumps price-value perception as a loyalty driver for both banks and retailers, and what this means for organizations that want to deepen their relationships with their customers.
Are you experienced?
According to Forrester analyst and author of the report Maxie Schmidt-Subramanian, customer experience accounts for the majority of loyalty among bank consumers. “Years of Forrester data across multiple industries confirm the strong relationship between the quality of a firm’s customer experience and the loyalty of its customers,” says the report. “But even we were surprised to see how much more important customer experience is than price-value perceptions when it comes to driving loyalty.”
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