Your credit union’s website is failing—A call-to-action on making your website seamless

Creating an effective and seamless user experience on your website is crucial, especially for credit unions. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by placing calls-to-action (CTAs) above the fold. You can no longer assume users will scroll to see those buttons!

Before we go any further, pull up your credit union’s website and track the following: Where are your CTAs currently located, and how many clicks does it take for your potential member to convert?

If your CTAs are above the fold (aka, you don’t have to scroll to see them) and you can convert within 1–3 clicks, you’re on the right track. If not, there are opportunities being missed.

Why CTAs above the fold matter

“Above the fold” refers to the area of a webpage immediately visible without scrolling. This is the prime real estate on your website and should be utilized accordingly.


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