You can take it with you: Mobile advertising

So these cell phone things seem like they’re going to stick around, huh?
The movement towards digital marketing has been happening so quickly that it seems perfectly reasonable that your company or brand may have missed the boat on a few things. Mobile typically falls to the bottom of people’s priority list which is strange considering it’s quickly becoming one of the most effective forms of marketing.
Smartphones have accounted for 10% of website traffic in 2013 which may not seem like a lot, but considering that they account for around 5% in 2012, we can deduce that we’re seeing a fast and substantial growth in mobile usage to interact with brands.
Adjusting to this movement doesn’t have to be intimidating. There are basic steps you can take to optimizing your online presence for mobile.
1. Responsive Design
You ever go to a website on your phone and have to pinch and zoom around to click the tab you want and then you hit the wrong button because your fingers are normal sized and these buttons are too close together?
That’s because that site isn’t set up with responsive design which takes a website and makes it so that it will have a design that accommodates mobile viewing and surfing. What’s listed above may seem like a superficial complaint, but it also severely affects a user’s experience with your website.
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