Won’t you be my neighbor?

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I have always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you so let’s make the most of this beautiful day, since we’re together I might as well say “won’t you be my neighbor.” We all know that song though I’m sure I butchered the lyrics a bit. It’s Mr. Fred Rogers and he’s putting on his tennis shoes and his sweater and he wants to be your neighbor.

Well if you want to be a community lender I suggest you go find a neighbor and that neighbor be your local NeighborWorks America affiliate.  Who are they?????

NeighborWorks America creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities. Most good size cities or regions have an affiliate as there are 235 of them in total. They have to go through a rigid set of rules and audits to obtain and maintain their status as an affiliate. You can find a list of them of them here.

Why would you want these folks as your neighbor? Well because they believe in the importance of home ownership and affiliates are dedicated to helping people become home owners as well as maintain home owners. Can anyone say memberlicious?

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