Will your bank or credit union match this high rate?

by. Steve Topper

The Federal Reserve’s “war on savers” continues unabated with no end in sight.  It’s painful to see the laughingly small amount of interest earned on checking and savings balances each time it’s posted to our accounts.

The unsaid message being delivered is “only fools save their money today when it should be spent to help grow the economy.”

Thankfully, millions of consumers continue saving money for a number of reasons including building a down payment for a new home, for retirement, for educating their children, for emergencies, and simply because they’ve been taught it is the right thing to do.

As far as I can tell, the Fed’s “war on savers” has been a colossal failure which makes me happy.  It joins some of the other “wars” waged by our government which have so far been failures – the war on drugs and the war on poverty to name two.

If we believe the news media, the end-date of the Fed’s zero-interest rate policy continues to be pushed into the future.

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