Will financial institutions rush to digitization post-pandemic?

It’s a brave new digital world out there…

Is your organization taking the right steps now to thrive in it, post-pandemic? On this week’s episode of Banking on Experience, we’re honored to offer some brilliant perspective on the topic from the digitization guru himself: Chris Skinner.

Celebrated author of no less that 16 books (his latest: Doing Digital), chair of the Financial Services Club and Nordic Future Innovate, and non-executive director of 11:FS, Chris has also been an advisor to the United Nations, the White House, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. He is a visiting lecturer with Cambridge University. As if that wasn’t enough, he is a TEDx speaker, independent commentator on fintech through his blog (thefinancer.com), and co-founder with renowned artist Basia Hamilton of The Portrait Foundation- a non-profit platform to encourage children and the arts.

Whew! – In other words, ya’ll are going to want to listen up.


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