Why your members (and your team) will be grateful for your new credit union website

As credit unions, you work everyday to create better financial lives for your members (and community). If it’s been a few years or longer since your last website overhaul, there’s a good chance that your website isn’t serving your members or your credit union as efficiently as it should.

Think about it this way. Your credit union website is your credit union’s hardest working employee. It works 24/7/365 delivering relevant information to your members; and if it’s designed with your brand and mission in mind, it will bring your credit union new loans and new members. A smart credit union website will drive your members and potential members to the products  and services that matter most to them. Ensuring that your website is also easy to maintain and update removes task saturation from your team so they can focus on strategic projects and serving members well.

So, who exactly are the members who are interacting with you online? They tend to be younger – according to Statista, 77.6% of millennials prefer to bank digitally. If a strategic goal of your credit union website is to attract younger members, investing in a website that not only aesthetically looks attractive, but is quick-to-load and easy to navigate becomes not simply a want, but a necessity.  These users are going to be borrowing for a long time to come. Gen Z holds less than $10,000 in debt, CNBC reported, but as they age, they’ll approach the current millennials’ level of debt ($78,396) and then Gen X’s $135,841 of debt.

Taking the path of least resistance doesn’t mean your team or your members are lazy. It means they have a million other things on their respective plates. Following a complicated set of tasks to get your credit union’s website updated – or waiting on someone else to – is inefficient to them and your credit union. The same holds true for members. They won’t spend 10 minutes  performing a transaction when it should (and could) take 2 minutes. They’ll go to one of your competitors who can deliver a seamless user experience.


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