Why Your CU’s Social Media Isn’t Working (and What To Do About It) with 3rd Degree’s Roy Page and Jared Miller

Let’s face it; social media may essentially be free, but it costs a lot in time to reap any rewards. And there are stories o’ plenty of credit unions just killing it with their social media efforts.. Unfortunately, those stories are few and far between, as a vast majority of CUs are a bit behind the curve on this stuff.

If you are one of those credit unions getting pulled in 60 different directions with your social media ventures, there are solutions — and one of those organizations who has plenty of answers is 3rd Degree Advertising. 3rd Degree has been helping CUs with this digital media stuff for quite a while and they have just released an info-packed ebook entitled: “Why Your Social Media Isn’t Working (And What to Do About It).”

So, naturally we invited 3rd Degree’s Roy Page and Jared Miller on the program to find out more about their book and how it can help credit unions that are stuck in a social media rut. We discuss such items as 3 Levels of Engagement, What You’re Sharing, Developing a Plan, Choosing Your Channels, etc. — along with a myriad of real-world examples to be used as templates for CUs looking for a bit of direction.

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