Why working with the media is good for your credit union’s business

by. Mike Lawson

Credit unions looking to increase their image should step up their efforts in working with the media. There’s something about consistently being mentioned in the news that instantly propels a company or an individual as a leader. It’s a credibility thing. If editors use an organization as a resource, they must know what they’re talking about, right? Credit unions are no different. Credit unions can use the news to spread their message in targeted publications/stations/blogs/etc., as this all-important exposure can lead to a real boom in business.

We invited LTPR’s President Casey Boggs on the program to provide further insight on how credit unions can apply certain strategies that will help them gain significant media exposure. In addition, Casey provides expert direction in crises communications, editor relationships, and conducting a “reputation audit” that shows an organization’s community standing. We also discuss how credit unions can effectively use video to deliver their message in a unique and refreshing way.

Let us know how effective your PR activities have been in garnering media attention. Other folks out there may want to know and apply your strategies.

Crises Ready to Protect Credit Unions

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