Why the ‘Coming Credit Card Boomlet’ is a wide open door for credit unions – Aite Group’s Ron Shevlin explains (pt.2)

Ok, we’re back with part 2 of our chat with Aite Group’s Ron Shevlin, who also writes the award-winning blog Snarketing 2.0, about “How Millennials Manage Their Money” and why credit unions need to open their doors to “The Coming Credit Card Boomlet” from those very same Millennials.

All this info stems from Ron’s observation of the storm clouds looming on the credit union horizon if they can’t pay attention and notice Millennials’ surprising financial behaviors for future success. Once again, this talk is filled to the grande brim with key insights and first-hand data from Mr. Shevlin’s recent analysis work.

Are credit credit unions missing the boat here? Are they too complacent or too wrapped up in regulations to fully address Millennial money management behaviors? Or are they on top of this issue and prepared to execute to capitalize for continued success down the road? Watch and find out — and let us know your thoughts on this hot topic. Where is your credit union?


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