Why ‘gamefication’ is a winner for your CU — 6th Story’s Matt Davis explains

“Gamefying” your work processes and performance to reward employees for on-the-job successes is nothing new in many industries. But for credit unions, it’s still has that new car smell. In other words, “gamefication” has barely scratched the surface in CU land. But one guy is about to change all that.

6th Story’s Matt Davis, formerly of Filene, has created a new venture called “gameFI” for credit unions to reward employees positive performance. Matt explains that the younger generations all grew up on video games, which resulted in immediate feedback positive or negative. That said, he explains why today’s antiquated annual review — or even quarterly reviews — just don’t cut it anymore.

Why would you wait three months to tell somebody they’re doing a good job? When you make a mistake at work, you hear about it right away. Matt’s gameFI flips all this on its head and creates a friendly competition/rewards system that promotes positive performance and reinforcement — on the spot! It even fosters employees to help each other out.

Take a few minutes and watch our interview as Matt deftly explains the basis of gameFI, along with how it works, its benefits, and where it’s headed. Good stuff for CUs, I believe. Check it out!


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