Why care about culture, and how to make it thrive

It’s quite likely you’re not in control of your culture now.

Although not as easy to pin down as revenue or retention, organizational culture is perhaps the single biggest thing impacting your employees and your members right now. And it’s quite likely you’re not in control of it.

Today, you’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t claim its culture is unique and committed to things like diversity, collaboration, innovation, teamwork, individuality, giving back or customer experience. But Gallup research reveals that just 27% of U.S. employees strongly believe in their company’s values and Deloitte reports fewer than one in three executives (28%) say they understand their organization’s culture well.

There is also a gap between what those in charge think they know about their culture and the reality on the ground. For example, 92% of CEOs say their organizations are empathetic, but only 72% of employees agree, according to research by BusinessSolver.

This would suggest some organizations are only paying lip service to culture and values. In truth, every culture is unique because it’s driven by its people—and every organization has a different cocktail of people.


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