When are the best times of year to buy a car

If there’s one thing almost everyone can agree on, it’s this—you don’t want to pay more for a car than you absolutely have to. That’s why, in addition to getting pre-approved for an auto loan and setting a firm limit on how much car you can afford, you’ll also want to make sure you buy your car at the right time.

Believe it or not, there are certain times when you can get a better deal on a car than others. When you know what these times are, you can use that information to help you get the best possible deal.

When is the best time to buy a car?

End of the Month

Almost all auto dealers have quotas they need to meet. Most of the time, these are monthly quotas. What this means is that if you start looking for a car closer to the end of the month, dealers may be more open to negotiating on the price, or even adding incentives to make a sale.


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