What’s next? Nassim Taleb; Peter Sheehan; and Coach Quig

by. Anthony Demangone

I was discussing payment systems with my colleague Randy Salser over lunch. EMV. Facebook. Amazon. The question was this: What is the next big disruption in payments?

It was a good discussion, but unfortunately, neither Randy or I had a crystal ball. What’s the next big thing? We really couldn’t say for sure.

But it got me thinking.

Nassim Taleb is the author of The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. In his book, he argues that most of us have no idea what’s coming next, but that many of us may fool ourselves into thinking we do. We focus on what we know, and discard things we don’t. When change comes, it is unpredictable, highly disruptive…but somehow makes sense after the fact.

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