What lobsters teach us about bank and credit union leadership training

Photo by Toa Heftiba Şinca

Who doesn’t love a good surf and turf meal?  Probably a lot of people, but we’re not here to talk about restaurant menus.

As you may know, lobsters shed their shells many times over the course of their lifetimes—a process called molting. Juvenile lobsters molt as many as 17 times a year, adult males generally molt once per year and adult females molt once every two years. Scientists believe the molting process is painful for lobsters.

Lobsters begin to experience discomfort as they grow larger than their shells, so they shed them to grow. Believe it or not, community bank or credit union leadership training is a similar brand of painful growth.

Grow through discomfort

As leaders, you must imitate the lobster. You must continually grow, and to do so, you will constantly experience discomfort. Through discomfort comes growth.


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