What is your marketing’s personality type?

We all have one: a personality type. Some of us have Type A personalities: driven to high performance and constantly moving. Some of us have analytical personalities: preferring a more thoughtful approach to projects. Some of us are extroverts and some of us are introverts.

Your marketing also has a personality type. Just like your credit union or bank has a culture, it also has a personality.

Here are a few credit union and bank personality types:

  • Stuffy & stodgy—This is the traditional personality many financial institutions have. If you have lots of wood paneling, a traditional teller line, offices with giant desks, a website designed in the 90s and a CEO who is never seen then you are stiff. And really, who wants to do business with you?
  • Old school & old fashioned—There is no school like the old school. If you are using tons of multi-colored brochures, a glossy 10 page annual report with big pictures of the board chairman and CEO, and a direct mail newsletter then go back to the last century. Because that is exactly where you are.
  • People & service—“What makes your bank or credit union different?” I often ask clients. They typically respond with words like “people,” “community” and “service.” Really? Then you are just like everyone else. I’ve yet to drive down a highway and seen a billboard that says “Come To Our Bank: We Hate People,” or “Our Service Stinks.” The most memorable personalities are those that are unique. If your personality is about people and service, then you are boring.
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