What is the wake your credit union strategic plan is leaving?

“When you get an entire organization that’s mindful of its wake, some pretty incredible things can happen.”
—Kip Tindell, CEO, The Container Store

In his book Uncontainable, Kip Tindell, CEO of The Container Store, talks a great deal about the importance of wake. By wake, Tindell refers to those waves and ripples of consequences that follow our every action.

So what is the wake your strategic plan is leaving?

Every action you take in your long-range planning session will impact your credit union or bank. It will leave a wake. And not just directly, but indirectly as well. Those ripples can be positive or negative.

With every decision you make you must consider its effect on at least three key areas. Keep in mind the following items when it comes to your plan’s ripples.

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