What I learned about mortgage lending from the Super Bowl

I watched the Super Bowl with a certain amount of joy. I was happy for my sister-in-law who lives in Seattle and is a big Seahawks fan. I was also happy because, as my loyal readers know, I am a Cleveland sports fan. A major Cleveland sports franchise has not won a title since 1964. That’s a long time ago. I’ve got this theory that once every other team in pro sports wins a title perhaps the sports god’s will smile upon my futile hometown teams.

Anyway, I think there’s some lessons to be taken from the Seahawks domination of the Broncos…..

So let’s see….here’s what I saw.

I saw a team that was really prepared. The Seahawks seemed ready from the first snap. Are we ready ever day to be memberlicious and help our members with home ownership?

I saw a team that hit hard. Every time a Bronco receiver caught a ball they got crushed. Are we hitting hard every time? Or do we sometimes go soft with our mortgage efforts?

I saw a team that was relentless and never let up. Even when they were still up by a bunch of points after Denver’s one and only touchdown, they went down the field like it was a game winning drive. Do we follow up appropriately with members who get a pre-approval from us to make sure they close on their loan? Or do we let up and let the deal get away?

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