What does your financial future look like?

by: Olga Dow

We are heading into the year 2015, the same year that Marty and Doc set the time circuits for in Back to the Future Part II.

Released in 1989, Hollywood’s vision of the future was mind blowing. The National Weather Bureau predicted rainfall to the second, cars filled up on gas without assistance and a bottle of soda was available to purchase for a mere $50.

As exciting as some of it would be, we should be thankful that inflation doesn’t have us paying $50 for a soft drink like the movie predicted.

Five ways to financially plan for the new year

It’s important, however, to remember that inflation does happen, retirement will take place and emergencies will come up – and we need to be as prepared as possible. The start of a new year is always a good time to look ahead, especially when it comes to your finances.


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