What does the world need?

by. Anthony Demangone

I had the treat of listening to Andy Stefanovich at NAFCU’s CEOs and Senior Executive’s Conference.

His 90 minutes with us was a wild ride – and Andy pushed us to areas we often don’t go.  The one highlight for me was this one take-away.

Andy asked us what the world needed.  If we could look down on the world, and give it one thing that it lacked, what would that one thing be?

Some said compassion. Some said love. Someone shouted out stability.

Andy then asked another question.

What if we aligned our business with what the world needed? Imagine the possibilities.

Later that evening, a few attendees and I were chatting about Andy.  One CEO said Andy was really on to something. The CEO’s credit union was in a community that needed a good deal of things. His credit union committed to do whatever it could to help its community. Three years in, the effects have been amazing.

The funny thing, the CEO said, was this. The more they gave, the more it seemed they got back.

Yeah, I’d say Andy was on to something all right.

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