What credit unions can learn from an indie filmmaker

During CUNA’s Marketing Management School opening session, Shalini Kantayya, an independent filmmaker, shared her ideas regarding how credit unions are similar to independent filmmakers. She noted that independent films are competing with the giant Hollywood blockbusters just like credit unions are competing against the large national banks.

“We must share our story with the world,” Kantayya said. She noted that one of the absolute keys to marketing is telling good stories. “Story leads to action. We don’t act because we don’t feel. Our goal as storytellers (and marketers) is to move the heart and get them to feel something.”

So how do you tell good stories? Kantayya suggested you answer three questions:

(1) Who is your audience?

“You must frame your story,” Kantayya said. Just like in her films, the audience is the hero she suggests that consumers are the audience. She noted that we work in an industry that is fact based. Therefore we need to relate better with people through stories.

(2) How do you create compelling characters?

“Don’t just use statistics and numbers in your marketing,” she noted. “Instead, tell a story about a single mom that no one thought could get a loan.” People tend to like stories about themselves so tell those stories in short form with real people.

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