Upcoming comment deadlines include NCUA budget, digital assets

Comments on several regulatory items of interest to credit unions are due in the coming weeks including on NCUA’s draft 2023-24 budget, due Oct. 28.

The proposed combined 2023 staff draft budget is $367.0 million, or 8.1% higher than the 2022 budget. The proposed operating budget is $350.8 million, which is 9.6% higher than in 2022.

CUNA and the Virginia Credit Union League presented at NCUA’s Oct. 20 briefing.

Other upcoming comment deadlines include:

  • Nov. 3: Treasury Department request for comment on President Biden’s March 9th Executive Order, “Ensuring Responsible Developments of Digital Assets.” Treasury seeks comments on the digital-asset-related illicit finance and national security risks as well as the publicly released action plan to mitigate the risks.


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