Up, up and away

Last week, my friends at Callahan & Associates conducted their quarterly Trendwatch webinar and data slides. Everything you want to know about Credit Union financial performance is available for your listening and viewing enjoyment. I look forward to it for the analysis of Credit Union mortgage market share.

Credit Unions enjoyed another strong quarter of mortgage production and once again stole market share for others. In the fourth quarter of 2014, Credit Unions originated 9.4% of the total first mortgages made. Yee-Haw – that’s a new record. Check out the chart below to see how much Credit Unions have gone up and up in market share and where they will stop nobody knows.

So what happened? Read on………..

From one year ago, Credit Unions have increased their market share from 8.0% to 9.4% – impressive. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Finance Forecast, total originations in the fourth quarter were $278 billion and Credit Unions funded $26.1 billion of that.

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