Unraveling cyber defense model secrets: The future of AI in cybersecurity

Welcome to the Unraveling Cyber Defense Model Secrets series, where we shine a light on Adlumin’s Data Science team, explore the team’s latest detections, and learn how to navigate the cyberattack landscape. 

The increasing threat landscape for organizations has forced cybersecurity teams to adopt digital transformation. The COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated matters by accelerating the adoption of cloud services, leading to a proliferation of cloud providers and a surge in the number of IoT devices transmitting data to the cloud.  

This complex web of interconnections has brought about greater scale, connectivity, and speed in our digital lives but has also created a larger attack surface for cybercriminals. Responding to these challenges, cybersecurity teams are turning to AI-powered automation, especially machine learning, to uncover, evaluate, and effectively counter system, network, and data threats. Understanding the role of AI in cybersecurity is critical for organizations to protect themselves against malicious cyber activities effectively. 

In this blog, we explore the current technologies available, the exciting developments on the horizon, and the transformative impact of AI. 


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