Unite or Die!

by. Sean McDonald

So I knew that my next blog post would be focused on CUNA’s “Unite for Good” campaign but for the life of me, I couldn’t come up with a catchy title for the piece.  Then, as I celebrated July 4 last week by watching the outstanding mini-series “John Adams,” it came to me. I would just steal the title of the 5th episode of that miniseries: ”Unite or Die.”  A bit over the top?  Could be….but I am going with it anyway.

So here we are….(and my apologies to HBO)

Last week, I had the great privilege of attending America’s Credit Union Conference in New York City.  There was a ton of momentum and interest in the “Unite for Good” effort and I am confident that the momentum will continue to build.  The campaign is for credit unions throughout the country to unite behind a common purpose: to let people know that choosing a credit union for their financial partner is the best choice.  The three objectives of the campaign are to remove barriers, create awareness, and foster service excellence. So why should credit unions get behind this effort?  Let’s discuss each of the objectives in more detail:

Remove barriers: It is important for credit unions to encourage grassroots efforts from their members and communities in order to reduce the regulatory burdens being unfairly placed on credit unions, fight for our tax-exempt status, and get as knowledgeable as possible about the political and regulatory realities of our industry.

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