Unite for Good 2014: Digital marketing proposal for CUNA and credit unions

by. James Robert Lay

Over the past decade of working with union leaders around the country, I have heard an ongoing debate for the need to have a national credit union campaign. Arguments are made about how it should be done. And what should the message be?

I have even been involved in similar discussions at the state and local level, sometimes feeling I am just spinning my wheels with no real progress. This year, credit unions enjoyed two campaigns including Don’t Tax My Credit Union and Unite for Good.

Now I believe progress is being made here, but there is still much work to be done to increase credit union market share of consumer deposits beyond the 5-6% range. As I shared in my Credit Union Magazine Rock Star interview, “My vision and hope is that five years from now, credit unions are celebrating a 20% market share, and continuing to grow.”

The Role of Digital in Credit Union Lead Generation

From my perspective, I believe digital must play a vital role in helping credit unions generate leads for loans and new accounts. This can be accomplished with a focus on three areas:

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