Undermining Your Integrated Marketing Campaign

by Steve Topper

The success of an integrated marketing campaign depends largely on the occurrence of synergy – synergy being the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Generally, we define an integrated marketing campaign as one which uses several unique marketing channels and ties them together with a common, recognizable message.

Multiple marketing channels are used for at least three purposes:

  • Reach the greatest number of prospects as possible.
  • Increase the overall frequency of hearing and seeing the message.
  • Achieve flexibility in the content and length of the message.

Unfortunately, with today’s fragmented viewing and reading habits, a multi-channel marketing campaign may not accomplish your desired goals.

Plus, the success of such a strategy is dependent upon a very large marketing budget – something lacking for the vast majority of today’s community banks and credit unions.

Here’s an oxymoron for you marketers:  Low-budget integrated marketing campaign.

What happens with a low budget is that you sacrifice frequency in most, if not, all of the channels you use.

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