Trump, CU CEOs discuss issues at White House

Several NAFCU-member credit union CEOs met at the White House Monday to discuss industry issues with President Donald Trump.

“It was an honor to meet with President Trump, and we are appreciative of the interest he showed in the credit union industry, its successes and challenges,” said NAFCU Board Chair Richard L. Harris, president and CEO of Caltech Employees Federal Credit Union. “My CEO colleagues and I had a very productive meeting during which credit union’s top concerns were heard and understood.”

Along with Harris, other credit union leaders at today’s meeting included: NAFCU Board Vice Chair Jeanne Kucey (president and CEO of JetStream Federal Credit Union), NAFCU Board Member Jim Kenyon (president and CEO of Whitefish Credit Union), Tyrone Muse (president and CEO of Visions Federal Credit Union), Angie Owens (president and CEO American Airlines Federal Credit Union) and Lynette Smith (president and CEO Washington Gas Light Federal Credit Union). NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger also attended.


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