Today Show’s Jean Chatzky dispenses a myriad of ‘Money Rules’ that you can apply right now

by. Mike Lawson

Fresh off the set of NBC’s Today Show, finance expert, author, and speaker Jean Chatzky joined us to talk a little credit unions — along with her book “Money Rules.” We started with credit unions discussing her affiliation with the industry, as she has become more and more prevalent attending and speaking at industry events the last couple years. We also touched on how credit unions can do a better job to enhance their brand, mitigating consumer confusion with banks.

We then ventured onto her book ” Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security,” which is such a “that’s so true!” read. It’s full of common sense, financial advice made simple for all of us. I know I need all the help I can get, dog-earring plenty of pages. Jean also expanded her thoughts on some of my favorite rules:

#78 — The biggest threat to your financial security is your health.
#43 — The best cost-cutting tool is a good night’s sleep.
#7 — “More money” won’t always make “more happy.”

We cover much more in this entertaining and informative chat with Jean. Take a few minutes and check it out — and let us know what some of your “money rules” are. Enjoy!


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