Tips for managing (and securing) work from home

Credit unions are optimizing work environments, integrating key systems, ensuring business continuity and cybersecurity, and adapting culture to new ways of working.

Working at home is a new fact of life for millions of Americans. The initial frenzy of moving work from offices to homes is over. Barking dogs are now frequent guests on conference calls. “#WFH” is trending. For many credit union employees who’ve dreamed of working from home, it’s like an extended sleepover with everyone staying in separate rooms.

However, people are already beginning to wonder when things will go back to normal. No one knows for sure, and no one knows what the “normal” workplace will look like in the foreseeable future.

Efforts are underway to roll out new web conferencing tools for remote meetings and new practices such as curbside transactions. Credit unions are now focused on optimizing their work environments to engage employees and members, integrating key systems to increase efficiency, ensuring business continuity and cybersecurity, and adapting their cultures to new ways of working.

“We’re going to get through this,” says Melva Mackey, director of training and member experience at Northwest Community Credit Union($1.2B, Eugene, OR), which just held its first video conference annual member meeting. “When we look back, we will be amazed at the innovations we’ve created in the chaos.”


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