Thriving amidst change: Mastering adaptability in a fast-paced world

Tired of hearing "things will get back to normal soon"? It's time to embrace the reality of today’s ever-changing financial landscape and learn how to lead through change.

In the mid-2000s, as a leader at a credit union, our executive team would annually travel offsite with the board of directors for a retreat to review and refine our strategic plan. Back then, it was common to develop plans extending 7-10 years into the future. We’d review market data, conduct a SWOT analysis, and leave the session with our core initiatives to focus on for the year and beyond. Each planning year was more about adjustment rather than reinvention.

Just like the typical transactional leadership style of the past is no longer relevant today, many of the traditional practices of even a couple of decades ago are ineffective in today’s volatile world.

The pace of change is so rapid, that leading in today’s world requires more agility, resilience, and flexibility than ever before. Yet in many interactions with my clients, I am hearing a narrative around change that is inaccurate, and not at all in line with the reality of running and leading a business in today’s world.


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