This week: NAFCU’s bold advocacy strategy continues

This week, the Senate remains back home in their states while the House returns to consider the fiscal year 2022 Budget Resolution; NAFCU’s award-winning advocacy team continues to monitor movement on a provision included in the Budget Resolution that proposes new IRS reporting requirements for financial institutions.

NAFCU urged House members to remove the provision – which proposes that credit unions report to the IRS on annual account inflow and outflow information of American taxpayers – in a letter sent last week. NAFCU urged policymakers to instead focus on better solutions for taxpayer compliance such as increased funding and support for the IRS.

The association will continue to monitor efforts related to this tax proposal and advocate against any provisions that would increase credit unions’ compliance and reporting burdens.

Of note, on Thursday, the association will host a webinar on the challenges of meeting performance and keeping a healthy workplace culture. The webinar is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.


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