This week: NAFCU watching CFPB constitutionality arguments, Super Tuesday primaries

It’s a busy week in Washington with Congress in session and most news coverage focused on tomorrow’s Super Tuesday contests – where 14 states will hold their presidential primaries. In addition, the Supreme Court is set to hold oral arguments tomorrow lawsuit filed by Seila Law challenging the CFPB’s single-director structure.

NAFCU’s award-winning government affairs team will monitor the Super Tuesday primaries and keep credit unions updated on what the results mean for the presidential election. NAFCU has launched a new resource page to provide credit unions with a one-stop-shop for advocacy needs. Developed by NAFCU’s team of experts, these resources help credit unions understand the legislative and regulatory environment and are great to share with current decision makers and those running for office.

In the CFPB lawsuit, the bureau previously announced it would no longer defend its director structure after years of lawsuits and calls to reform it from various stakeholders. NAFCU has long held that the CFPB should be reformed to a commission structure to ensure transparency and accountability. This case could also have implications on the structure of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). NAFCU will watch the hearing and provide insights to the arguments afterward.


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