This week: NAFCU member call, Senate takes up nominations, NCUA ACET update

Congress has a busy fall ahead as both chambers reunite in Washington this week. The Senate will likely continue to take up key nominations (including those to the NCUA and Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection), and both the House and Senate will need to begin debate on several government appropriations measures before a Sept. 30 deadline. Credit unions are encouraged to tune into NAFCU’s member call tomorrow for an update on these activities and more.

During Wednesday’s member-only call, credit unions will hear an insider view of the association’s advocacy efforts and be able to ask any pertinent questions. The call will be led by President and CEO Dan Berger and senior government affairs staff. Register now for this free call, available as an exclusive benefit of membership in NAFCU.

Credit unions are also encouraged to register for Congressional Caucus – Sept. 11-14 in Washington – which will give credit unions a first-hand experience joining in NAFCU’s award-winning advocacy. During this event, credit union leaders will hear from a strong lineup of speakers, including Watergate-breaking journalist Bob Woodward, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling and Treasury Counselor Craig Phillips, among many others. Registration for Caucus and background material on the speakers and issues that will be discussed are available online.


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