This week: Congress on recess, CUs urged to reach out

Senate and House lawmakers are in their home districts and states this week, providing a great opportunity for credit unions to reach out on top industry issues, including the ongoing push for regulatory relief.

NAFCU’s Grassroots Action Center allows credit unions to find contact information for their lawmakers and look up key credit union-related legislation to see where their members of Congress stand on those bills. Credit unions can send letters, tweets, Facebook messages and also call their lawmakers concerning the current active campaigns on the Grassroots Action Center, which concern the NCUA’s risk-based capital rule, data security legislation and regulatory relief efforts.

Credit union representatives are also encouraged to attend NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus, Sept. 11-14 in Washington, where they can meet face to face with lawmakers. Early-bird savings of $200 with promo code CAUCUSAVINGS are good through July 20.


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