The three “Hs” of a strong brand

As I mentioned in a previous post, one of the best branding books I’ve read recently is What Great Bands Do by Denise Yohn. An amazing quote in the book that hit me was:

“The challenge then becomes what I often call the ‘head + heart + hands and feet’ problem. For your employees to understand, embrace and deliver your brand they need to know its values in their heads, feel inspired by them in their hearts and then put them into action with their hands and feet.”

When leading brand workshops for clients (both executives and employees) we let them know there are “Three Cs to a Strong Brand”: clarity, consistency and constancy. While those principles certainly hold true, Yohn’s quote helped me realize there are also “Three Hs to a Strong Brand.”

So here are the three “Hs” of a strong brand:

  • Head—You brand starts with your strategy (head). You must determine your vision and your values. If your brand doesn’t stand for something it stands for nothing. Do you know what your brand is about? You must also determine target audiences. Your bank or credit union cannot be all things to all people. Is your brand all over the place?

    • Action step: Develop a comprehensive strategic brand plan that differentiates you from your competitors.
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