The power of “We”: Why #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day matters

by Tom Kane, Illinois Credit Union League and Envisant

There’s a magic that happens when a movement comes together in unison. On social media, it manifests as a trending hashtag, a wave of shared stories, and a collective energy that captures attention. For credit unions, that magic happens every year on #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day, this year falling on Friday, July 26th.

This national campaign isn’t just about cute graphics and feel-good posts. It’s a strategic force that strengthens our industry in three key ways:

Unity: A forceful “we”

Imagine thousands of credit unions, employees, and members across the country, all using the same voice. That’s the power of #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day. We showcase a united front, amplifying the message of what credit unions stand for. This collective voice carries weight, demonstrating the reach and impact of the credit union movement.

Awareness amplifier

On #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day, social media becomes a vast educational platform. Member testimonials highlight the unique value proposition of credit unions—a focus on people over profits, financial empowerment, and a deep commitment to community. This collective storytelling attracts new eyes, sparking interest in what credit unions offer, and potentially converting those who might not have previously considered us.

Energizing our core

Let’s not forget the internal impact. #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day is a morale booster for everyone within the industry. Sharing positive stories, celebrating successes, and acknowledging the credit union difference reminds us of the profound impact we have on people’s lives. It reignites our passion for the cooperative spirit and motivates us to continue delivering exceptional service.

At the Illinois Credit Union League (ICUL), we’re strong believers in the power of #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day. We are also strong believers in the power of the credit union movement nationwide. As active members of the national league system and the American Association of Credit Union Leagues, we would like to encourage leagues and credit unions, employees and members—all across the country—to participate. Let’s flood social media with stories of why we love our credit unions. Together, we can raise awareness, celebrate our shared values, and show the world the strength of the “We” that defines the credit union movement.

Join the movement! Mark your calendars for #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day on July 26th. Share your stories, use the hashtag, and let’s celebrate what makes credit unions truly special.

Tom Kane

Tom Kane

Tom Kane has been President/CEO of the Illinois Credit Union System since 2015. Since joining the Illinois Credit Union League and Envisant in 2003, Tom has held several key ... Web: Details