The new product development dilemma in banking

by: Ron Shevlin

I’ve come to the conclusion that there are five types of people who attend my conference presentations:

  1. Those who expect to get tips and advice on what they can do to solve all their problems and challenges when they get back to the office on Monday;
  2. Those who are thought-provoked by the ideas I present, but genuinely wonder how they’ll “get there from here”‘;
  3. Those who are intrigued by the ideas and immediately start to think about what their organization has to do to make it happen;
  4. Those who violently and vehemently disagree with every idea I put forth in my presentation; and
  5. Those who sleep through the presentation.

My evaluation scores are totally dependent upon the distribution of attendees across these segments. I mean, I know I give a great presentation, so a low score can’t be my fault, right? You might think I wouldn’t want Group 5 people at my sessions, but I’m OK with them (as long as they give me a good rating). It’s the Group 1 people that I wish wouldn’t show up. They’re always disappointed.

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