The formula for building critical credibility

Begin by clarifying your values.

What makes us trust one person but not another? When we say someone is “credible” but another person isn’t, what has either of them done to secure those titles? Is credibility something that can be leveraged and transferred, or is it more of a fixed trait?

Building credibility is on the minds of all leaders, particularly since the advent of social media moved referrals and endorsements from letters of recommendation and word-of-mouth to online reviews and testimonial. Now, with the stroke of a key, someone can either reinforce our market positioning or try to destroy it. Today, the need for our leaders and teams to be credible and trustworthy is at an all-time high.

When someone is said to be credible, it means we believe what they say, we refer and endorse them to others, we’re proud to be associated with them, and we believe their intentions are in alignment with ours.


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