The DOs and DON’Ts of conducting an interview

Have you ever been extremely nervous about conducting a job interview? Didn’t know what you were going to say or what you were going to ask? It is expected that job candidates will have some jitters before an interview, but the role of the interviewer can also be a daunting task. How can you, as the interviewer, make the most of the interview and get the information you need to make an informed decision?

Interviewing DOs

Since interviewing is not likely to go anywhere anytime soon, below are some useful tips for credit unions to help ease as many of those worries as possible. It is crucial to see that scheduled interview time as an opportunity to educate the candidate about the company, the culture, and the company’s mission and vision. Here are some helpful tips that I have found to be useful as a recruiter.

  • Respect the candidate’s time: Everyone is busy, but you should also be mindful of the candidate’s time. If you know that you are going to be late for an interview you should have someone else plan to attend as a backup. During the interview, the candidate is usually feeling a mix of emotions. It is important to put all the distractions away. You should not be responding to an email, responding to a text message, or taking another call. The candidate is giving you their time and you should give them your undivided attention as well.


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