The CEO’s Role in Your Credit Union Crisis Communication Plan

by. Robin Remines

Every crisis offers your credit union a chance to deepen your relationship with your members. At first glance it might seem that the proper spokesperson would be the CEO/President since he/she has the highest level of authority in your organization, right? “Not really” says Michele Dowis, an Ongoing Operations certified BCP and Crisis Communication Planner.  Take a look below at what Michele recommends when it comes to assigning the lead for your credit union crisis communication plan.

OGO INTEL (Michele Dowis) weighs in:

I’m frequently questioned about the logic behind my advice to have someone other than the CEO have the role of credit union media spokesperson.  “Why? – Our CEO is the most professional and knowledgeable representation of our credit union?”

I have to reassure the leadership staff (including the CEO!) that while that may be true, crisis communications requires a special and deliberate approach. – One that not only communicates the specific message of the event but also subliminally reinforces the members trust and confidence in the credit union.  Designating a spokesperson other than your CEO conveys confidence in other leadership and also gives the CEO the ability to focus on the crisis as it develops.

Your designated spokesperson(s) should be noted in your plan (including an alternate), familiar with scripts, trained and well-practiced.  Consider the following positions to select your spokesperson.

  • Marketing or Public Relations or other qualified staff
  • VP of Operations
  • Branch Managers affected, as appropriate

Absolutely include the CEO in Crisis Communication Planning.  Have him/her approve scripts, be involved in selecting the spokesperson and deliver any good news.  Having someone else designated for this type of communication releases the CEO to do what’s most important – lead the organization and oversee the crisis.  The most important thing to success (in daily business and most importantly during crisis) is leadership.

When the crisis has been contained or resolved, it is then appropriate and meaningful to have the CEO/President step into the spokesperson role. At that time, he/she would express confidence in resolution and thankfulness for those who assisted and provide direction on future activities.

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