The banker will see you now

Online appointment scheduling and in-branch queuing are helping credit union members make the most of their spare time.

Walking into a credit union branch can be a gamble for members. Will it be crowded? Will the person working the teller line be able to handle a particular request? Will the time spent be worth it?

Enter in-branch queuing and online appointment scheduling, which are eliminating one of the biggest pain points prevalent in the legacy branching experience: the unknown.

Digital Federal Credit Union($9.0B, Marlborough, MA) implemented online appointment scheduling four years ago; and Michigan State University Federal Credit Union($4.5, East Lansing, MI) aims to launch in 2020. By partnering with third-party vendors that specialize in these technologies, credit unions are giving members the power to bank where they, when they want, and with whom they want.

Here, leaders from Digital and MSUFCU discuss the in-branch capabilities of this new technology, member response, and lessons learned along the way.


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