The 12%: The ballad of the 113th Congress

by. Katie Marisic

With all the new regulations about to go in effect in the coming months we thought we’d give you a little break from the normal updates and let you sit back, relax and enjoy what Congress has to offer. But first here is a corgi doing an impression of Congress  trying to pass legislation.

It’s been week after the government shutdown ended and Washington, D.C. is quickly returning to its “normal state.”  Federal employees have returned to work, acrimonious congressional hearings   are being held and the panda cam is back in action.

Next week the budget conference committee tasked with finding a compromise on the Continuing Resolution and Extension of the Debt Ceiling will meet. There was a lot of talk going around that a compromise would involve major tax reform, but yesterday both Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) appeared to rule out the idea of a grand bargain.

With an approval rating of 12%, and a record of passing legislation that has them on track to be the least effective Congress in American history, the idea to scale back the grandiose rhetoric and focus on something that is achievable seems like a pretty good plan. Here’s that corgi again.

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