Taking a stand: The power of courageous leadership

There are times that require bold, courageous leadership. It is in these times when you need to stop saying “enough” and act on it – even if you don’t have all the answers.

“Demonstrating leadership courage – whether it’s having an uncomfortable conversation, communicating when you don’t have all the answers, or making a decision to move ahead on a new project – can be scary,” writes Forbes contributor Susan Tardanico. “Yet it’s precisely the kind of behavior that fosters trust and sets a crucial example for others to follow at a time when they’d rather hunker down and wait for the storm to pass.”

She goes on to note 10 traits of courageous leaders and I encourage you to read her list.

NAFCU took such a stand this week. For those of you tuned into the credit union industry, it is no secret that these community-based financial institutions have been under repeated attack by banking trade associations and their lobbyists. NAFCU stopped saying “enough” and went to work – announcing its support for the enactment of a 21st century modernization of the Glass-Steagall Act.


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