Strengthening the DCUC footprint on Capital Hill

We’re growing in terms of our footprint, not only in serving the interests of our members and defense credit unions but the entire industry as a whole. We’re increasing our MAC tempo with plans to hold more meetings and strengthen our advocacy for more success on behalf of our members. DCUC is already laying the groundwork for our future advocacy roadmap and ensuring the Council and its members are well-heard within the Capital.

Recent action…

  • DCUC supported the Department of Veteran Affairs’ Temporary Local Variance for Certain Buyer-Broker Charges: “DCUC commends the VA for making this important decision. This variance will provide deserving service members and veterans better opportunities to use their VA benefits when purchasing a home.”
  • DCUC voiced its support of Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Senator Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and their colleagues on the Banking Committee for their introduction of the “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Accountability Act.”
    • This proposed legislation would enhance the CFPB’s accountability by mandating that its funding be subject to annual appropriation by Congress: “Implementing a standard congressional appropriations process for the CFPB will guarantee that the interests of consumers are consistently represented and safeguarded within the financial marketplace.”


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