Storm clouds on the credit union horizon with Aite Group’s Ron Shevlin (Pt.1)

When it comes to Millennials and their money, there are plenty of experts out there willing to divulge their knowledge on the timely topic. Whether what they are saying is fact or fiction remains to be seen. Aite Group’s Ron Shevlin, however, cuts to the chase when discussing such matters based on his extensive, first-hand research. Those of you who read Ron’s award-winning blog, Snarketing 2.0, know what I’m talking about when I say he “cuts to the chase.”

Ron’s a realist, whether you like his takes on various topics or not. This pragmatic, and many times tongue-in-cheek, approach is why Ron’s content is widely read, used, and footnoted in reports and presentations throughout the financial services industry.

In our two-part chat based on his recent report, “How Millennials Manage Their Money” — along with the looming storm clouds on the credit union horizon, credit unions need to sit up and take notice regarding Millennials’ surprising financial behavior (See his June 2014 report: “The Coming Credit Card Boomlet“.). This talk is loaded like a Taco Bell Tostada Suprema with golden nuggets of knowledge o’plenty that CUs can use to prep for a prosperous future — giving them a leg up attempting to harness those highly sought after younger generations.

Many thanks to Mr. Shevlin for taking the time to talk with us. Now it’s time to get out your pad and pen and take notes. Enjoy! And let us you know your thoughts on this ever-popular topic.


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