Stirring the social media policy pot with NCUA’s Jerald Garner

by. Mike Lawson

When it comes to social media, most stories focus on “likes”, “followers”, and “views”. It’s a numbers game and there’s no shortage of so-called social media gurus willing to give you their two cents on how to boost on your Klout score. Nobody ever looks at that — right? In this interview, we’re going to cover none of that. We are talking with NCUA’s National Field Supervisor/Office of National Examinations and Supervision Jerald Garner on what has most HR and C-suite execs shaking in their boots when it comes social media: policies — rules and legalities, that is.

Many credit unions were as frozen as a petrified yak when came to implementing social media practices when it first burst onto the scene a few years ago (in this industry). Now that Facebook, Twitter, and the like are firmly entrenched in many marketers’ annual plans a growing number of CU execs are are beginning to thaw a bit with their organization’s social presence. But the thing that keeps the governor on from fully accelerating social media efforts at many credit unions is the legalities. Good or bad, FFIEC came out with a bunch of guidelines to follow earlier this year, as did NCUA — and Jerald is here to talk about these rules and their influence on today’s credit union marketers. Are they a help or a hinderance?

In addition, we discuss what credit unions can do, in turn, to teach members common sense practices when it comes to displaying their financial info on various social media channels (Uh, don’t do it.), along with the many threats and concerns CUs should be aware of using these networks. Many thanks for Jerald coming on the show and sharing his expertise. Check it out!


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