Smith: ‘We’re hungrier than ever’

CUNA Board will continue to move forward improving the movement.

While CUNA scored a major victory with the passage of S.2155 earlier this year, the board is prepared to keep moving forward and improving the credit union movement.

“If you had the impression that your CUNA is going to rest on its laurels, that we feel we can take a rest, then you’re mistaken,” Maurice Smith, chair of the CUNA Board of Directors and president/CEO of Local Government Federal Credit Union, told attendees at CUNA’s America’s Credit Union Conference Saturday in Boston. “We’re hungrier than ever now.”

Smith says the board will explore all the possibilities to remove barriers that credit unions face and find opportunities for credit unions to be successful at serving their members and communities. That’s because, as Smith reminds attendees, members look to credit unions for help in meeting their financial goals, preparing for retirement, or even surviving from paycheck to paycheck.


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